in how to

19 Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing List

  1. Offer a freebie or lead magnet, such as an e-book, whitepaper, or free trial, to entice people to sign up for your email list.
  2. Use pop-ups on your website to encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list.
  3. Add a sign-up form or call-to-action (CTA) to your website’s homepage or sidebar.
  4. Use social media to promote your email list and encourage followers to sign up.
  5. Use exit-intent pop-ups to target visitors who are about to leave your website.
  6. Offer exclusive discounts or promotions to email subscribers.
  7. Use referral marketing to encourage current subscribers to refer friends and family to your email list.
  8. Use gated content to require visitors to sign up for your email list in order to access certain resources.
  9. Attend trade shows and events to collect email addresses in person.
  10. Include a sign-up form or CTA in your email signature.
  11. Create a quiz or survey that requires visitors to provide their email addresses in order to receive their results.
  12. Use paid advertising to promote your email list on social media or search engines.
  13. Host a webinar or online event and require attendees to sign up for your email list to participate.
  14. Use gamification, such as contests or giveaways, to encourage people to sign up for your email list.
  15. Partner with other businesses or influencers to cross-promote each other’s email lists.
  16. Use customer feedback forms or satisfaction surveys to collect email addresses.
  17. Create a referral program that rewards subscribers for referring new subscribers to your email list.
  18. Use offline marketing tactics, such as direct mail or in-store signage, to promote your email list.
  19. Use lead generation tools, such as Hello Bar or Sumo, to create targeted pop-ups and sign-up forms.

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